The Good Humanitarian | An HSC Podcast
Have you ever sat and wondered how disasters like floods and earthquakes intersect with conflicts, or how climate change will influence the disasters and responses of tomorrow? Humanitarianism is often thought to be about heroes and victims. But really, it’s about people, just like you and I, living through and dealing with extreme situations in their own ways. The humanitarian system is itself a patchwork of people and organisations. And, like all systems, the people who work within it can make mistakes or bad decisions. The first season of ‘The Good Humanitarian’ podcast delves into all of this and more with experts from the HSC.
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Episode 1
Thousands of crises, thousands of responses
We are joined by Professor Thea Hilhorst, director and founder of the HSC, for the first episode which looks at how there’s no “one-size fits all” response to a disaster.
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Episode 2
Humanitarians are always good, right?
What principles underpin how Humanitarians work? Can humanitarians cause more harm than good sometimes? Join HSC senior researcher Dr Kaira Zoe Cañete to tackle these questions and more.
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Episode 3
The climate is changing, and people are moving
What is the relationship between the climate crisis and migration? And what does this mean for the humanitarian field? Dr Sonja Fransen delves into these complex intersections in our third episode.
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Go behind the scenes on production of the podcast: